Grata Memória Vol. 1 (2003)

We were playing less, but we always continued to get in touch with a lot of missionaries and we really appreciated the traditional hymns. Without much planning, and with the Missionary Conference of IPBsb in mind, we started a movement (and didn’t stopped since) that focuses our efforts and musical talents into products that could gather money to help missionaries. We invited the great pianist Andreiev Kalupniek to be a part of the project and thus was born the project ​Grata Memória – Voz, Piano e Emoção (Vol 1 and 2)​. Everything was recorded very quickly. We recorded everything in Andreiev’s studio (AK Studio). The songs were all selected with Ranuzia previously, so I only had to say “Kalu, I think this hymn has a swing like this… Ranuzia, what do you think?” I worked on the Protools and the rest they did. Almost every song was made in one try and we felt such deep joy in doing something so simple, but so meaningful. The album cover, the two CDs, everything, really everything, was handcrafted by us, for the objective was to save as much money as possible so that it would be a lot left for others. Our local church really understood about what it was all about and during years our albums were sold one by one. All the profit was destined to a group of the church that administered the resources for the missionaries, where the money could be distributed the best way. Oh, a nice thing is that two songs were recorded as a duet featuring our pastor, Rev. Adail Sandoval, many were surprised because they didn’t know his musical talent.